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Spaces Available for the 2024-2025 school year!

Welcome  |  Bienvenidos

Heritage Learning Center is licensed by the MSDE Office of Child Care
License # 152081

What our Staff & Families Say

I really can't even put into words how HLC has helped with Lilah's development. I'm still surprised with some of the words and concepts she understands at 3 years old. HLC has helped her develop into a smart, confident, adventurous little girl! 
Raimundo Family, parents to Lilah, at HLC for 3 years
School Year 2023-2024
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HLC is proud to announce that we are now using the world's top childcare app. Lillio gives families the ability to receive live updates regarding their child's food intake, bathroom use, sleep schedule, class activities and more. The app also allows for contactless drop off/pick up and direct communication with teachers and staff. Check out some of the following slides for a better look into this great feature now in use at our center. Lillio used to be the app called HiMama.


Maryland EXCELS Quality Rating

Heritage Learning Center has maintained and improved our quality of care by participating in the Maryland EXCELS system. Our quality rating is currently at a Rating Scale of 4 but we are anticipating moving to a Quality Rating of 5 by Winter 2024. In addition to moving up in our Quality Rating scale, HLC has earned an Achievement Badge of Quality Business Practice. 

Heritage Learning Center ha mantenido y mejorado nuestra calidad de cuido para ninos al participar en el sistema EXCELS de Maryland. Nuestra calificación de calidad se encuentra actualmente en una escala de calificación de 4, pero anticipamos pasar a una calificación de calidad de 5 para el invierno de 2024.

A place to explore, play and learn together

Un lugar para explorar, jugar y aprender juntos

Heritage Learning Center is an accredited

center for Infant – Preschool.  We are also excited to announce that we will be transitioning to a fully bilingual center with instruction in both English and Spanish.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for showing an interest in our center.

We offer a nurturing environment, with well-trained and creative staff, quality instruction, indoor gym and outdoor playground, meals and snacks, and more.

Our classrooms are individualized to accommodate the following ages:

Heritage Learning Center es un centro acreditado para ninos desde Infantil – Preescolar. Nos complace anunciar que haremos la transición a un centro totalmente bilingüe con instrucción en inglés y español. ​


Nos gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecerle su interés en nuestro centro. ​


Ofrecemos un entorno enriquecedor, con personal bien capacitado y creativo, instrucción de calidad, gimnasio interior y área de juegos al aire libre, comidas y refrigerios, y más. ​


Nuestras aulas están individualizadas para adaptarse a las siguientes edades:


HLC participates in the Maryland Child Care Credential Program provided by the MSDE, Office of Child Care. This program assists staff who are looking to advance their education and training to improve their quality. Our staff are all involved and range their levels from Level 1 through Level 6. Participating in this program results in surpassing the State's minimum training requirement. 









HLC participa en el Programa de Acreditación de Maryland proporcionado por la Oficina de Cuidado Infantil del MSDE. Este programa ayuda al personal que busca avanzar en su educación y capacitación para mejorar su calidad de cuido a ninos. Todo nuestro personal está involucrado y sus niveles van desde el Nivel 1 hasta el Nivel 6. Participar en este programa resulta en superar el requisito mínimo de capacitación del Estado.

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  • Dancing Ducks: Ages 4-5

  • Curious Kittens: Age 3               

  • Swimming Dolphins: 18- 36 months

  • Busy Bees: 12-24 months

  • Teddy Bears:12-24 months

  • Singing Canaries: 6 weeks – 12 months

We accept children with individualized learning and behavioral plans as well as physical disabilities for full-time services and child care; Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy.

Aceptamos niños con planes de comportamiento y aprendizaje individualizados, así como discapacidades físicas para servicios de tiempo completo y cuidado infantil; Terapia Física, Terapia Ocupacional y Terapia del Habla y Lenguaje.

Please explore this site to learn more about our wonderful Center!

Tome su tiempo explorando nuestra pagina de web para aparender mucho sobre nuestro Centro educativo!

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our credentials

Contact Us

Hours and Address

 © Copyright 2023 

Heritage Learning Center

   Tel: 301-864-2333 ext. 3097

Mobile: 240-721-0750


Hours: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm

4922 LaSalle Rd.

Hyattsville, Maryland 20782

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